Oct 6, 2011

Be the witness of our precious moments in this life...

So often we have been trapped in the things...
that are not worthwhile enough to get much more our attention...
... or our spending time...
Looks like there have been so many moments passed...
so many times wasted...
... and so many things done,
but not lots of them show that we have reached our main goals in this life.
Hence, It's the time to reflect to ourselves,
what have been done so far...
where do we stand now....
... and where will we go to get through the path
... leading us to make our hopes come true...

Let's be the witness of our precious moments in this life....
... in our struggle to reach Allah's ridha....
Prepare ourselves for reaching the main goals in this life...
... and in the hereafter...
There are not much time for us to keep longing so long for the things...
... that will make us ignore or even forget our main way where we will go!


... said...

Salam alaiki ukhti Aliyatul!

Ana wahasytuni jiddan !

Khaifa haluki?

It's been some time since ana said hi !

Btw, ana love this writing of enti's very much !

Keep up enti's writings. Ana do read from time to time, alhamdulillah.

Do take care of yourself ya ukhti.

May He always shower you with His blessings.


Liana =) <3 fillah

Septi Triyani said...

Wa'alaikum salam my dear sister...

Alhamdulillah I'm fine.
I hope so for you that you are always in the best condition chosen for you by Allah to make you be the one who be blessed by Him.

well dear! it has been long time we didn't have talk through blog like this.
Jazakillah for your supporting as always. You too keep writing! Sometimes I also visit your blog and proud of you for your effort to keep writing and spread the true.
May we ourselves who make our writing get advantages from anything we share here to deepen our understanding and to make change in our life to be the better. insya'Allah...
and May other also find the true from Allah through what we share.

Thank you for your pray sis.

luv you because of Allah.
