Jan 8, 2011

Refresh Your Faith in Islam!

Your iman (faith) can be high or low, you can't guarantee that you will wake up tomorrow and have strong faith like yesterday. The key is to always update your faith, make sure you keep your faith balanced with your life!
1) For past mistakes? Repent to Allah!
2) Feeling hopeless? Purpose in life: to worship Allah!
3) Laziness and procrastination? Fight the Shaytan!
4) Losing focus away from Islam? Beg Allah for guidance!
5) Solution? Follow the Qur’aan and Sunnah with sincerity and excellence!
6) Is it too late? If you are still alive, then NO!
7) Now what? Strive and struggle for Allah!
8) Reward? Jannah!


Pn. Anonymous said...

jazakillahhukhairan for the knowlegde. may i share,sister.

Septi Triyani said...


of course u can share it.
knowledge is for all of us... :)