Sep 1, 2013

Physical Beauty or Inner Beauty?

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: "Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your heart and to your deeds."  (Sahih Muslim)
Physical beauty is given by Allah.
So, if he/she has good out look it’s a blessed. BUT if he/she has not so good out look it’s also not really matter. Because Allah is The Most Wise. He gives people with strength and weakness. That’s why we say nobody is perfect!

Moreover, in front of Allah we are good or not is not based on our physical beauty, but on how our obedience to Him, how our faith, how our deeds. 
"Surely the most honorable  of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty)"  (Qur'an surat Al Hujurat (49) : 13)

Therefore, whoever people, whether they have good or not physical beauty, they have the same right and have to struggle in order to achieve high level in front of Allah.

In conclusion, people who see that matter based on Allah's point of view, they will say that inner beauty is more important.

Physical beauty is got for granted, with less effort even without effort , while Inner beauty is got by effort.

That is why I’ll give more appreciation to people who have inner beauty.

Besides that, Inner beauty will last longer than physical beauty. When we are getting old, we can’t keep our physical beauty stay the same. BUT we will always be able to strengthen our inner beauty to get better n better…


Islamic Inspirations said...

Asalamu alaikum,

SubhanAllah wonderful and jazakAllah khair for your du'a..

Take Care

Septi Triyani said...

Wa'alaikum salam.
Thank you...

Let's pray to each other.
Hopefully Allah guide us to be His better servants. ameen...