Feb 9, 2011

I'm Your Hope

You are the hope for our globe

Don't give up nor despair
There's nothing you can't repair

You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls

Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth

I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth

Bil-qawli wal amal, Antumul amal
(With words and action, You are the hope)

Salimhum Ya Rabb, Salimhum Ya Rabb
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)

Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, Yudfa'u al-Alam
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)

La tansani ana dhamiruk, La tu'zini ana shababuk
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)

A Song By Sami Yusuf


Farah said...

Love your blog and love the song. One of my very favourites now. I blog on wordpress. Can you please tell me how I can subscribe to your blog? I'm pretty sure you know way more about computers than I do! It's a pleasure to know of you sister, keep up the great work.
I'm at www.joymanifest.wordpress.com

Septi Triyani said...

Salam sister...

Shukran for passing by in my blog and for ur warm comment.
Hopefully u can find good things for u as the true comes from Allah.

Sis, I have put the "subscribe to" under video in my blog. so, hope it works with u when u want to subscribe my blog.

It's my pleasure too to know about more about u.
I have visited ur blog, If I have enough time, I would like to read each single word u wrote there.

keep writing!
Hope we can share any good things from what we post in our blog. Insha'Allah it also will be one of our ways to reach Allah's ridho. ameen...