Jul 25, 2011

What you have to do is what you can do today!

In the stage of confusing what have to be done with so many things coming to the mind and presenting in front of the eyes, then all of them need to be done, some people turn to worry whether they can do all of them in 'available' time or not. Moreover their past memory about anything they think 'I should have done it, I shouldn't have done it" also give colors into their mind and make them regret for the time passed that they have wasted in such things they not really want to be happened. Just almost the same way how their future presented into their imagination. They try to imagine what will happen in the next time just by seeing their condition in the past or in the day they live now. The words "How if...? What will happen? I need to do this, I must not do that, so..." seems can depict how they manage the future, the time not coming yet, to be as what they arrange today! 

Will you say, "That is life!" "That's the way how people live!" Yes, it's! as I'm in so many times also in the same stage like that! 
However, let's think, how long we will be in this world? Nobody knows! 
Do you think that whatever you do in any single time of your life is uncounted by your Lord? do you think that in the hereafter only deeds that you think as the big deeds that will be asked responsibility? Then, how about other deeds you have ignored. You think you will be free without accepting the consequences of all what you have done during your life in this world?! 

Life in this world is so short! BUT any single second flies by whatever you do during life will determine how you are and how you will be not only this world but also in the next life, in akhirat!  Accordingly, no matter how is the condition of you now , all what you have to do is what you can do today! This is because the time that has passed whether you feel satisfied or regret with all you have done or whatever have happened in your life, the past is the past! you will never get it back! only your memory in the past that will live longer in your mind. All what you have done have been counted by the angles in your right and left sides. All the notes have been written and can't be erased. Then, how if you regret for the wrong things you have ever done! In Islam, through Allah's prophet, Mohammed SAW, Allah has taught how to repent the sins. How to ask forgiveness from Allah by not doing that bad deed again and to do other good deeds. It's only Allah who can forgive your sins. Hence, the wise people how they deal with their past is to learn from their past to live better for today under Allah's sake.

Then, how about the future? The future is uncertain. Indeed you need to make plan for the next time, but it shouldn't make you worry what will happen in the future. All the thing have been written by Allah. Your district is just doing efforts and pray as what Allah orders. You just have to do what Allah has presented in front of you, what is the obligations you have to do in the time you face now, not in another time! As each time Allah will give different task for each person to test how his faith, so it will be clear in the Eyes of Allah who is the one who truly worship Him from others who don't. Be believe, that any ordeal of life given by Allah, whether it's something you like or not, is just the way that Allah chooses to make you become the better Allah's servant in His Eyes. So, do whatever you can do today, as today is a gift from Allah, as the chance for you to repair your deeds and become the better one as what Allah wants. No need to become you in the past or you that you imagine you will be in the future, but be yourself for today as the one who is blessed by your Lord because you do your best by following His guidance! Wallahu'alam bish showab.

~ Motivation for myself as I'm struggling to change myself become the better Allah's servat in the Eyes of Allah... n for others who might find the true from Allah through this writing~


Mudassar Pasha said...

Assalam alaikum sister,

To read your post was very consoling to the heart.

I have gone thru a period recently where I had a lot of chances to commit pleasurable sins. I look back and sometimes regret why I did not commit those sins.. and sometimes feel like Allah's mercy that he stopped me from committing those sins. I wish to live my life in the light of deen from here onwards.

Septi Triyani said...

Wa'alaikum salam brother...

Thank you for sharing a part of your thought and feeling that it might be also happens on some periods of other people's life.

Let's keep our spirit up and get through the rest of our life in this world in the way that has been shown by Allah for us, the way that insya'Allah will lead us to the real successful in this world and in the hereafter....