Nov 6, 2011

To Change... To Be Better... Especially in the Eyes of Allah

Through up and down moments I face.... 
Through facts I see... 
Through people I know... 
Through lessons I learn and I understand...
Through experiences I pass in each single day of my life...
Through so many thoughts cross in my mind...

Now, I can say that all what I have to do is  
to change myself!
To change from any conditions that are not right according to Allah's rules into conditions that are right according to His rules! 

"Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition" (Ar Ra'd 13 : 11)

Ya Allah... 
Alhamdulillah for Your guidance given to me through everything presented in my life.


Mudassar Pasha said...

Assalamu alaikum Sister,

Your blog is proving helpful..

What if I had tried to bring this change in me and failed.

I tried for one and half month according to Shariah and regularity in prayers.. to fix myself. Then, I fell to Shaitan's whisperings again and went back to the same thing I was running from..

Now I feel so far away from my state of faith I had attained previously.

I keep tryin this time, but its not the same anymore..

I am torn apart between falling into the pleasures of this life versus following the path of Islam..

If I follow the path of Islam strictly, I feel like I may be missing out on a lot of fun in this world.

Please pray to Allah to give me patience and strength in order to straighten out my life.

Septi Triyani said...

Wa'alaikum salam brother...

As I read your comments here, I found that you have thoughtful and open-minded mind.

Thank you for what you wrote here, so that I also can learn through you.

I also realize that it's not always easy to change in condition that we want to, moreover to change from the condition that we used to be to the condition that the whole of our mind and heart haven't involved.

EVERYTHING NEEDS PROCESS.... This's what I bear in my mind.
However its process depends on us whether we want to make it move fast or slowly.
Enjoy and learn from the process... when we are in the RIGHT path, even the process itself that we get through is a victory, moreover to reach the good result as what we want.

So, when we want to change to be the better person, the important thing is to purify our intention and do the best we can do, besides asking the help from Allah to make everything become easier.

The TRUE enjoyment in this life will never let us go astray into the things that is forbidden by Allah.

Allah has provide many things in this world to make us find a lot of fun in this world without committing sins,which it also insya'Allah will bring us to happiness in the hereafter. That's the real happiness... :)

I pray to myself and you, brother... hopefully Allah guide us to understand better the purpose of our life in this world and to do things that will make Allah get pleased... which insya'Allah it's also become our way to reach our success in the whole of this world and in the hereafter. ameen...

Mudassar Pasha said...

Assalamu alaikum sister,

I am in the proces again and its getting tough again. These thoughts keep coming back. I keep driving it away.

I am reading this to warn myself. I would like to share this link with you.

Please pray to Allah that I will be able to hold on to the process.
Insha Allah I am returning home next week and begin study of the Quran and Arabic language.

Please please remember me in your dua that Allah give me patience.
I pray for you sister.

Jazakalla Khair.

Septi Triyani said...

Assalamu alaikum sister,

Wa'alaikum salam brother...

Thank you for sharing the link.

If we can define that life is a STRUGGLE, let we make our chance to live in this world become our way to WIN Allah's ridha.

If we also can define that life is a TRIAL for believer muslims, let we make our chance to live in this world become our way to pass it with the best manner.

Nobody is perfect...
any time we realize that we are far from Allah or we might follow evil's whisper... let try to listen what Allah's whisper for us...
Our faith to Allah insya'Allah will always guide us to find a way back to Him.

Hope you get useful lessons in this life, especially lessons taught by Allah to become the better person, my brother...

Keep your spirit up!
I also motivate myself to learn Arabic and other Islamic teaching...

My pray for you...
and thank you for your pray to me too. May Allah accept our pray and May He will always with us, wherever we are. ameen...