Oct 31, 2010

Woman in The Qur'an

It has been narrated on the authority of the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-’As ra that Rasulullah saw said :  

“The world is a provision and the best provision of the world is a pious and virtuous woman ”. (Muslim)

Read the great article about The Muslim Women's Ideal Character Here

Understanding The Role of Muslim Women

The role of Muslim women in the Islamic world is one that is prone to much discussion and assumptions; unfortunately the discussion is more often than not a negative one. The most common perceptions are of women living under the oppressive dictatorships of their husbands and fathers, forced into marriage, and of course suffocated under the veil. In terms of her contribution and role in society the caricature is one of the woman restricted to five metres away from the kitchen sink. 
The discussion of Muslim women and their roles is an important one for every Muslim, firstly because it's an area in which there are many misconceptions by non-Muslims which need to be corrected and secondly some Muslims treat women unjustly in the name of Islam when in actual fact their actions are often a result of cultural or tribal customs and not Islam. 

Misconceptions surrounding the treatment of Muslim women arise from two sources; from Muslims who may justify their oppression and mistreatment of women on the basis of Islam. Also, some non- Muslims who have an agenda to take the Islamic teachings and want to depict Islamic civilisation as backward and oppressive. In recent times the treatment of women in Afghanistan has been used to present the picture of Muslim women being oppressed and abused and then blame the Shar'iah texts. An apt example of the former is the recent murder of Banaz Mahmood in the United Kingdom killed by her father and uncle for the sake of ‘honour'. There is also the example of Mukhtar Mai in Pakistan who was gang raped as a punishment due to her brother allegedly having a relationship with a village elder's daughter.  Even though these actions are not from Islam the western media have linked this crime to Islam.

HADHARAH (Civilization) & MADANIYAH (Culture)

There is a difference between the hadharah (civilization) and the madaniyah (material aspect of culture). The hadharah constitutes the whole concepts about life whereas the madaniyah means the material forms of sensed objects (hand phone,internet,motorbike and the like) used in daily life affairs. The hadharah is based on a particular point of view in life and therefore it is specific. The madaniyah can be of two kinds: specific or universal.

Objects such as statues are specific and thus are a product of a specific hadharah. Material aspects produced by science and its progress, industry and its evolution, are general and thus are not particular to a specific nation, rather they are universal.

This distinction between hadharah and madaniyah must always be recognized and maintained. One must also be aware of the forms resulting from hadharah and the madaniyah forms resulting from science and industry. Therefore, when adopting an object of madaniyah, a distinction between its forms and the differentiation from hadharah must be clear. There should be no objection in acquiring the Western madaniyah resulting from science, industry, etc. However, Western madaniyah resulting from the Western hadharah must not be adopted on any account because we are not allowed to adopt the Western hadharah for it contradicts the Islamic hadharah from the very basis upon which it is established, its point of view in life, and its understanding of the meaning of human happiness.

Oct 30, 2010

How is Rasulullah (pbuh)?

عن عبد الله بن الحارث رضي الله عنه قال :ما رايت احد اكثر تبسما من رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم (الترمذي)
Abdullah ibn al-harith:said:I never saw anyone who smile more than allah's Messenger (tirmid)

قال رسول الله -صلي الله عليه وسلم-:من احب سنتي فقد احبني و من احبني كان معي في الجنه (الترمذي)
The PROPHET SAID:whoever loves my way of life (sunnah) loves me;and whoever loves me will be with me in paradise(Tirmidhi)

عن انس بن مالك-رضي الله عنه-قال:خدمت النبي -صلي الله عليه و سلم-عشر سنين فما قال لي اف قط , و ما قال لشئ صنعته لم صنعته, و لا لشئ تركته لم تركته,و كان رسول الله-صلي الله وسلم عليه-من احسن الناس خلقا .(الترمذي)
Anas ibn Malik said:"i was in the prophet's service for ten years, and he never once said ''uff(i.e.shame)! to me .when Idid something (wrong) he never asked me,''why did you do that?'' when I did not do something (that I should have done) he never asked me, ''why did you not do that?'' The Messenger of Allah had the best disposition of all people'.( Tirmidhi)

قال رسول الله -صلي الله عليه وسلم-:ان الذي ليس في جوفه شئ من القران كالبيت الخرب(الترمذي)
The prophet said:'A person who has not learned any of the Qur'an is like a house in ruins'(Tirmidhi)

عن عائشه -رضي الله عنها-قالت:ما خير رسول الله- صلي الله عليه وسلم-بين امرين قط,الا اختار ايسرها الا ان
يكون فيه اثم,فان كان اثما كان ابعد الناس منه(البخاري و مسلم)
A'ishah related:'Whenever the prophet was given a choice (between two things) he chose whatever was easier -unless it was sinful, in which case he was more careful than anyone to avoid it'. (Bukhari,Muslim)

Who are al-Ghurabaa' (The Strangers)?

The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said:
"Islam began as something strange; and it will return as something strange. Paradise is for the Strangers." His companions (ra) then asked: 'who are the Strangers, oh Rasool-Allah?' He (saw) replied: 'Those who forbid the evil when the people become corrupted.'"

Our ultimate aim of pleasing Allah (swt) and entering Paradise (in the form of green birds – as promised for the martyrs) can only be accomplished when we forbid the evil and stand firm on the right path in a time when people become completely corrupted. In regards to the same narration, Imaam Ahmad said: "They (the Strangers) are the ones who increase (their eemaan) when the people decrease (their eemaan)."

In the same hadeeth but narrated by 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (ra) the Messenger Muhammad (saw) was asked:

"'Oh Rasul-Allah who are they (the Strangers)?' He (saw) replied: 'an-Nuzzaa' min al-Qabaa-il (those who withdraw themselves from their people).'"

The Strangers

On the authority of Sahl b. Sa'd as-Saa'idi رضي الله عنه who said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers." It was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Those that correct the sunnah when the people become corrupt."

Life is A Choice

Every second in our life, we are faced by two choices to do or not to do.... to do this or to do that... Well! maybe there are other alternatives too, but in general we will meet two choices needing our decision to chose one of them. It seems simple thing, just chose it and let go by it... However, have we ever thought that any choice we made has its own consequence in hereafter? Hence, It's not always as easy as what we imagine to chose something we will do. Next... maybe we have understood that any choice has its own risk, but what happens in the reality is most of us just think of the risk of our deed in this world, without trying to involve it with the consequences we will get in the next life, in the hereafter.

Oct 29, 2010

The Meaning of Happiness

Happiness and sadness are things that almost all people in this world ever got. It's sunatullah from Allah that shows "IT'S LIFE!" In fact, things that make people feel happy or sad are almost same. However, it will be different how their manner when they deal with it.

I think all of us want to the whole of our life is filled by happiness, but as I have mentioned above, we will face things that make us sad too. All of these are natural feelings given by Allah as complements of our life. Have we ever thought how this life is when things we face are same all the time... Will we learn how to be a strong man, how to be patient, how to show our best when we meet hard moments, etc...???

Actually, we always can find the happiness behind things that usually make people sad. The matter is just on how we understand what is the meaning of happiness itself! That is why now we should know what is the essence of happiness.

Always be Grateful to Allah

I asked for strength, and Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong...
I asked for wisdom, and Allah gave me problems to solve...
I asked for courage, and Allah gave me obstacles to overcome...
I asked for love, and Allah gave me troubled people to help...
I asked for favors, and Allah gave me opportunities...
"Maybe I received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed"

Sometimes in our life, we really hope something happens on us or we get something we hope. However, as the time has shown what is the real fact in front of us.... O_o we just have to accept it... whatever!

Help Each Other in Goodness and Piety

"And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression." (Al Maidah 5 : 2)

Allah swt orders muslims to help each other in goodness and piety. For a believer muslim when he does this, his attention is not because of worldly things, but because of Allah. When things are done because of Allah, insha'Allah it will be mean n accepted by Allah.

There are a lot of ways we can do to help others as what was taught by Rasulullah (pbuh) and his companions. They are great example how muslims help each other in order to increase their faith n get Allah's satisfaction.

Oct 28, 2010

Children of Heaven

What is Children of Heaven?
The first time we read this writing we might think about children or anything related to the heaven. This is also one of thing that impressed me when I read those words... 

Well!  Children of Heaven (Persian: بچه‌های آسمان) is a 1997 Iranian film by Majid Majidi. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1998. It deals with a brother and sister and their adventures over a lost pair of shoes.
This movie became popular in Islamic word and has been translated in many languages.
This is an unique movie about children in Islam that I ever watched n be one of my favourite movies. The first time I watched this movie when I attended an activity in a masjid in my college. It was when I was an undergraduate student.  

The Plot of This Movie 

Ali fetches his little sister Zahra's pink sneakers after the shoemaker has repaired them. Ali puts down the shoes to get some potatoes at the grocer's. While he is preoccupied, a blind garbageman accidentally picks up the shoes, hidden in a bag, and takes them away. Frantic to find them, the young boy knocks over crates of vegetables and is chased away by the grocer.

Learning from the Fighthing of Fatimah bint Muhammad During Her Life

Fatimah ra was the fifth child of Muhammad and Khadijah. She was born at a time when her noble father had begun to spend long periods in the solitude of mountains around Makkah, meditating and reflecting on the great mysteries of creation.

This was the time, before the Bithah, when her eldest sister Zaynab was married to her cousin, al-Aas ibn ar Rabiah. Then followed the marriage of her two other sisters, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum, to the sons of Abu Lahab, a paternal uncle of the Prophet. Both Abu Lahab and his wife Umm Jamil turned out to be flaming enemies of the Prophet from the very beginning of his public mission.

The little Fatimah thus saw her sisters leave home one after the other to live with their husbands. She was too young to understand the meaning of marriage and the reasons why her sisters had to leave home. She loved them dearly and was sad and lonely when they left. It is said that a certain silence and painful sadness came over her then.

Of course, even after the marriage of her sisters, she was not alone in the house of her parents. Barakah, the maid-servant of Aminah, the Prophet's mother, who had been with the Prophet since his birth, Zayd ibn Harithah, and Ali, the young son of Abu Talib were all part of Muhammad's household at this time. And of course there was her loving mother, the lady Khadijah.

In her mother and in Barakah, Fatimah found a great deal of solace and comfort. in Ali, who was about two years older than she, she found a "brother" and a friend who somehow took the place of her own brother al-Qasim who had died in his infancy. Her other brother Abdullah, known as the Good and the

Hamza Ibn Abdul-Mutallib, The Lion of Allah

Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Manaf. He was born in Mecca before the Prophet's birth in two years so he was very close to the Prophet . He was also the brother of the Prophet by feeding; (the same woman had feed them both, she was Halima Al-Saadiya). He took the right path and become Muslim in the second year of the Prophet's message after his story with Abu Jahal: 
It is recorded that the Prophet was one day seated on Safa when Abu Jahl happened to pass by and attacked the religion preached by him. The prophet Mohammed, however, kept silent and did not utter a single word. Abu Jahl went on unchecked, took a stone and cracked the Prophet’s head, which began to bleed. The aggressor then went to join the Quraishites in their assembly place.

It so happened shortly after that, Hamza, while returning from a hunting expedition, passed by the same way, his bow hanging by his shoulder. A slave-girl belonging to ‘Abdullah bin Jada‘an, who had noted the rudeness of Abu Jahl, told him the whole story of the attack on the Prophet . On hearing that, Hamza was deeply offended and hurried to Al-Ka‘bah and there, in the courtyard of the Holy Sanctuary, found Abu Jahl sitting with a company of Quraishites. Hamza rushed upon him and struck his bow upon his head violently and said: "Ah! You have been abusing Mohammed ; I too follow his religion and profess what he preaches." The men of Bani Makhzum came to his help, and men of Bani Hashim wanted to render help, but Abu Jahl sent them away saying: "Let Abu ‘Ummarah alone, by Allah I did revile his nephew shamelessly."

Rumaysa bint Milhah, A Muslim Woman with the Most Precious Mahr (Dowry)

Before Islam was introduced to Yathrib, Rumaysa was known for her excellent character, the power of her intellect and her independent attitude of mind. She was known by various names including Rumaysa and Ghumaysa, but these were possibly nickna mes. One historian says that her real name was Sahlah but later she was popularly known as Umm Sulaym.

Umm Sulaym was first married to Malik ibn an-Nadr and her son by this marriage was the famous Anas ibn Malik, one of the great companions of the Prophet.

Umm Sulaym was one of the first women of Yathrib to accept Islam. She was influenced by the refined, dedicated and persuasive Musab ibn Umayr who was sent out as the first missionary or ambassador of Islam by the noble Prophet. This was after the first pledge of Aqabah. Twelve men of Yathrib had gone to Aqabah on the outskirts of Makkah to pledge loyalty to the Prophet. This was the first major break through for the mission of the Prophet for many years.

Umm Sulaym's decision to accept Islam was made without the knowledge or consent of her husband, Malik ibn an-Nadr. He was absent from Yathrib at the time and when he returned he felt some change had come over his household and asked his wife: "Have you been rejuvenated?" "No," she said, "but I (now) believe in this man (meaning the Prophet Muhammad)."

Malik was not pleased especially when his wife went on to announce her acceptance of Islam in public and instruct her son Anas in the teachings and practice of the new faith. She taught him to say la illaha illa Allah and Ash hadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah. The young Anas repeated this simple but profound declaration of faith clearly and emphatically.

Feeling Fed Up of Life???

Praise be to Allah....

There are many reasons for hating this world. There are some people who dislike this transient world and long for that which is with Allah of reward, and who love to meet Allah. Hence some of the salaf said: “The gift of the believer is death.” For he detests this world and his heart is attached to the Hereafter. Yet despite his dislike for this world, he carries out his duties towards Allah and His slaves, and he strives to do good as much as he can, in accordance with the words of Allah (interpretation of the meaning):
And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e. death)” [al-Hijr 15:99]

And there are some people who detest this world, not because of the Hereafter, but because they think that their share of it is very little, and that others are better off then them. Undoubtedly this is a kind of discontent with the will and decree of Allaah, for Allaah is the One Who bestows blessings and distributes provisions, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

And if Allaah were to enlarge the provision for His slaves, they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down by measure as He wills. Verily, He is, in respect of His slaves, the Well‑Aware, the All‑Seer (of things that benefit them)
[al-Shoora 42:27]

Some people hate this world because they have been faced with a great deal of trial, stress and exhaustion in it. Undoubtedly these people do not understand the true nature of this world. This world is the realm of striving and trial, the realm of stress and exhaustion, especially for the righteous believer, who encounters all kinds of trials by means of which Allah expiates his sins and raises him in status. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Collection of Hadits (The Best of the Best)

"O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable  of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware." (Al Hujuraat 49 : 13).

Have you ever wondered to yourself what it actually means to be the best?

When we are told that 'this is the best' or 'that was the greatest' or 'this will bring the most benefit' etc, have you ever thought who on Earth gave such people/editors the authority to tell us that? In an age when we have a plethora of 'Top 10' or 'Top 100' lists on everything from cars to films, from foods to places, one wonders where is that list that will really provide some benefit to us in this current short life and the next very long one.

Well, wait no more. Below, from a choice of hundreds of narrations from our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, you can find 100 hadîth, in no particular order of merit, detailing ways on exactly how to become the best, how to have the most excellent characteristics, what really will prove most beneficial for us to know, what really are the greatest things to think about and hope for and indeed, how to become the most beloved of people to our Magnificent Creator, Allah, the Most High.

No more subjectivity, no more empty statements; just the divine criteria of what really is the best as developed by the very best himself, Muhammad al-Mustapha, upon whom be peace. For an explanation of the meaning of each of these hadîth, you can visit here.

Jilbab and The Muslim Woman's Dress Code

Sources of Islamic Law

The sources in Islamic law are primarily the Qur’an and Sunnah[1]. The Qur’an, the book held sacred by Muslims, contains approximately 500 verses dealing with diverse topics which are of a legal relevance. The Sunnah represents the repository of reports of sayings, acts and consent of the Prophet Muhammad. The role of the Sunnah is seen as an elaboration of the Quranic injunctions. There are other sources which derive from the two primary sources and they are the Ijma’ (legal consensus), Qiyas (analogical deduction) and other disputed sources but they are not relevant to the discussion at hand.

The Notion of an Islamic Dress Code

Islamic law is comprehensive in its enunciation of a code of conduct with respect to an individual’s life and dealings with others. Part of this are the rules pertaining to dress and attire. The dress code includes rules for men and women. So for example, a man is obliged to cover a certain part of his body whilst in front of others and he is not allowed to wear gold and silk which women are allowed to do. On the other hand women are also obliged to cover a certain part of their person when going out of the family home wearing a headscarf (khimar) and an outer garment (jilbab) which men are not required to do. Thus, the jilbab is not a new innovation but part of the well known attire of the dress code for Muslim women.

An Introduction to the Islamic Social System

Nothing has received more vilification from commentators and writers then the issue of Islam’s view on women. Images of fully covered women, with veils across their faces, leap to mind whenever the western media discusses the issue. The treatment of women in any society has become a key benchmark measurement to its progress so when the Muslim world is assessed it miserably fails on the standard western tests ranging from the treatment of women to their involvement in society. This has led to a number of ferocious attacks on Islam that has led some Muslims to feel weary, embarrassed and unable to defend the Islamic viewpoint on this issue. This article will focus on how Islam deals with male-female relations and elaborate on some of its details.

When Islam laid down roles and responsibilities it is clear, where the man and the woman share similar qualities in their nature, the obligation prescribed to both is the same such as the salaat (prayer), sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage). However, where the nature differs then different duties have been prescribed. So, the husband or father has been obligated with the responsibility of protecting the family and providing for them financially. The woman has been obligated with the primary role of ensuring the welfare of the family by nurturing the children and conveying the Islamic culture to them.

In Islam the duty prescribed to the man is not viewed as better than the role prescribed to the woman.  Rather, the duties prescribed to the man are seen as responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and for which the man will be held accountable to Allah (SWT).  Likewise the woman will also be held accountable as to how well she fulfilled her responsibilities. Both duties compliment one another and are crucial for the family and society to function properly and with tranquillity. This accountability to Allah (SWT) is what prevents a devout Muslim woman from giving precedence to her career over the welfare of her family, as in her mind her success lies in how well she fulfils the roles ascribed to her by Allah (SWT) and not in how much she earns (in monetary terms) or what type of career she is pursuing.  However, this by no means suggests that she is not permitted to pursue her desired career.

Express Your Thought and Feeling through Writing

I didn't really know what encouraged me to write in a blog....
Maybe this was because of so many assignments in college that demanded me to WRITE n WRITE!

Don't too care with what things brought me, today I visited again my old blog...
Nothing special that I found... Just an empty place... no posting!

I started to think what should I do with my blog...
The first thing that came around in my mind was how I should design this blog...

Oh... without I realized the time, I had spent many time just to chose the appearance of my blog.... just edited it again n again.... till I found what I hope in that time N the result is like what I can see now.... :)
Hmmm.... NOW it's far from perfect but for me it's nice to be seen :)
This is just the first time I learn to add some features here.... maybe other time I can improve this blog to be getting nice... need time to do that job!


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