Dec 8, 2010

The Story of True Love from the World till the Hereafter

In the city of Suffah lived a young man named Zahid. He lived in the time of the Prophet. Every day he stayed in the mosque of Medina. Zahid was not a handsome young man until the age of 35, he will not get married. One day, when Zahid was sharpening his sword, suddenly Rasulullah came and said hello to him. Zahid was shocked and answered nervously, 
"Wa'alaikumsalam O Messenger of Allah ...""O my brother Zahid, so far you seem alone," said the Messenger."Allah is with me, O Messenger of Allah," said Zahid."I mean, why all this time you still single? Is not there in your mind the desire to get married? "He asked again.

Zahid said, "O Messenger of Allah, I'm a man who had no steady job. Moreover, my face is not eligible. Who is the woman who wants with me? ""It's easy if you like!" Said the Messenger.

Zahid just stunned. Soon the Prophet ordered his secretary to make an application letter for applying for a woman named Zulfah bin Said. He is the son of a famous nobleman Medina rich and beautiful. The letter was immediately given to Zahid for later handed over to Zulfah father, Said. 
Zahid arrived there while Said was receiving other guests. Then after saying hello, Zahid submitted the letter without going into the house."Said my brother, I bring you a letter from the noble Prophet," said Zahid.Said replied, "It is a honor for me."

The letter was opened and read. How shock Said after reading the letter. No wonder, because in the Arab tradition during the wedding that usually happens is that a nobleman must marry a descendant of nobility as well (sekufu).Finally Said asked to Zahid, "Brother, is it true that this letter is from the Messenger of Allah?"

Zahid said, "Did you ever see me lie?"In such an atmosphere
Said's daughter , Zulfah, came and asked, "Daddy, why do you look  tense to face this guest?""My daughter, he is a young man who is proposing you to marry. He's going to make you his wife, "his father said.

At that moment Zulfah saw Zahid. Immediately she began to weep uncontrollably. "Daddy, many youths are more handsome and rich. a lot of them want to marry me. I do not want  to marry with him, my father! " Said Zulfah feeling that she was being insulted.

Said also said to Zahid, "Brother, I don't mean to forbid your marriage with my daughter, but you have heard by yourself her own objection. Then convey to the Prophet that your proposal is rejected."

Hearing the name of the Prophet was mentioned by her father, Zulfah stopped crying and asked, "Why did you carry the name of Allah?"Said replied, "This man who came to propose you is because of the command of Rasulullah."

Zulfah necessarily sought forgiveness and uttered istighfar (the saying of forgiveness to Allah)   repeatedly and regretted what she has done and said. Softly she said to his father, "Why did you not tell from the earlier if the one who asked this man to marry me was the Messenger of Allah. If so, I'd marry him. Because I remembered the word of God,

"The response of the believers, when they are invited to Allah and His Apostle that he may judge between them, is only to say: We hear and we obey; and  these it is that are the successful. "(An Nur 24 : 51).

Hearing that, the
Zahid's heart soar some where. There was a tinge of joy reflected in his face. So happy! that is for sure what was his feeling at that moment. Arriving at the mosque he bowed gratefully. Rasulullah smiled to saw the movements of Zahid that was different from usual.

"How it was, Zahid?" Asked the Prophet."Alhamdulillah (Praise to Allah) I was accepted, Messenger of Allah," said Zahid."Have you make preparation for that (his marriage)?" asked the Messenger of Allah again.Zahid bowed his head and said, 'Messenger of Allah, I do not have anything. "

Then, Prophet told him to go to the house of Abu Bakr, Ustman, and Abdurrahman ibn Awf. After getting enough money, Zahid went to the market to buy the wedding preparations.In the same moment, the Prophet called on Muslims to go to war to face the infidels who would destroy Islam. When Zahid arrived at the mosque, he saw the Muslims were preparing to armaments.

Zahid asked, "What is this?"A friend replied, "Zahid, today infidels will attack us. Don't you know? "Zahid uttered istighfar several times and then said, "Then, it's better for me to sell wedding supplies and I'll buy the best horse."

"But... Zahid, tonight is your honeymoon, do you want to go too?" Said the friend warned."There's no way I remain silent in a situation like this!" Zahid said firmly.

Then Zahid read the verse: "If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk and property which you have acquired, and the slackness of trade which you fear and dwellings which you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Apostle and striving in His way, then wait till Allah brings about His command: and Allah does not guide the transgressing people."(At-Taubah 9: 24).
Zahid finally stepped into battle until he died.

After hearing the news about the death of Zahid, The Messenger said, "Today Zahid have honeymoon with a fairy who is more beautiful than Zulfah."

Then the Prophet recited the surah Ali Imron verse 169 and 170, and surah Al Baqarah verse 154:
"And think not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are provided sustenance from their Lord; Rejoicing in what Allah has given them out of His grace and they rejoice for the sake of those who, (being left) behind them, have not yet joined them, that they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve."

"And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive"
The companions of Rasulullah shed tears.
So what about Zulfah?  
Hearing the news of martyrdom of Zahid, she began crying and heartfelt emotion said, "Ya Allah, How happy my future husband. If I can't be with him in this world, let me with him in the Hereafter."
This is what she begged to Allah. An expression of true love from the world till the Hereafter. The love that is blossomed by obedience to the commandment of Allah, even though at the beginning it was contradict with her heart.


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