Dec 26, 2010

We're Different... Accept It...

The Messenger of Allah (sallalahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said “Islam began as something strange, and will revert to being strange as it began. So give glad tidings to the strangers.”  (narrated by Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah) 

Are you a stranger? Or are you just an average?
Are you DIFFERENT? Or do you fit in with the crowd just fine?
Below is a poem from spoken word poet Silent-K (Raa’id Khan) on the identity of muslim youth.


You see I am different
No matter which way you
Swing it, write it, or say it
Say it, write it, or swing it
Different I am
I am not like the ordinary
I bow my head to the floor
Times five
I stand by towering pillars
Times five
And I utter words in a language
So sweet, calm and beautiful
Al Loogatil arabiya
Hathihi jameelah
I wear a kuffee and recite poetry
I speak and teach Islam
I represent for the Muslim Youth
I strive to do good deeds
I help others in need
Even though I am in need of help myself
I stay silent when anger punches me
I swallow my pride and suppress my ego
I am nothing
A piece of clay
Skin toned differently
I walk down a path traveled by few
And because of this
I get in fights
Every single day
In fact I am fighting my naffs right now
You see I am different
No matter which way you
Swing it, write it, or say it
Say it, write it, or swing it
Different I am
And being different stands out
I pray to the unseen in public
I show the world that Muslims are real
I walk on campus with my head held high
Proud to be different
And it doesn’t matter to me what people say
Because people will always talk
Talk slander, slander gossip, gossip comment, comment questions, question backbite
Their mouths will never be full
All I can be is myself
And no one can take that away from me
Not even myself
It is a gift from Allah
To be Muslim
And while others see us as being different
I see us being different together
Because when we are together then we can grow
When we are together then we can show
And what seemed like one individual
Is now many
Times five
And the dawah that we give will be spread
To many times five
Because we are different
Our mentality is different
Our demeanor is different
But a different that is good
Because different is not bad
It is unique
And because of that we will change the world
So I say be different
Be outstanding
Be like our example
Prophet Muhamad
Peace be upon him
And because he was different
Till this day we say peace be upon him
So accept who you are
And be who you are
Keep your head high and struggle to accomplish
Because no matter which way they swing it, write it, or say it
Being different is different
And that continues to make the difference 


ᖇᗩE said...

You are unique .. just like everyone else :p

Septi Triyani said...

What makes you different... makes you beautiful to me...

^ Islam is the unique way of life ^