Dec 10, 2010

Ya Allah, I am Lost....

Ya Allah...
I am lost and I am confused
Darkness is not my place
I want to see and I want to live
And I can not live like this
Show me the light...
The light that shines so bright
And show me the path to my future...
A future full of happiness and peace
Show me the path to a place...
A place where I can fly free
Send me the love...
The love that will last for eternity
Let me not forget why I am here
For You are the reason I want to live
So Ya Allah...
Show me the path that leads me to Your way!
Ameen ya Rabb...


Mudassar Pasha said...

Assalamu alaikum,

Very nice poem sister. I was so confused about which path to take. I chose to take the path in which I can do the most good in the name of Allah. So I chose the path which I thought will be most pleasing to Allah. Although I think it might have disappointed my father a little because I have given up somewhat of a material life.

Please pray for me.

Septi Triyani said...

Wa'alaikum salam.

Thank you brother.

Hopefully Allah will make everything become easier for you and give you the best in this world and the hereafter. ameen...

Make a deep pray to Allah and Seeking Islamic knowledge... try to get understanding from it insya'Allah will be the way to gain guidance from Allah so that will help to chose what is the right path to be taken and what are things should be done...