Feb 12, 2011

We're Actors in the Story of Life

It's such a quiet night and I just can't STOP thinking of the story of my life.  What a wonderful thing I can remember moments I ever have in this life. Though I can't turn back the time and live in the times where the stories played, they are still in my life and be a part of me. This is because they live in my memory. It surprised me and made me start to think how come I can remember some of them clearly while the others have been forgotten or remembered vaguely. I believe there are also other stories I never known that I ever had them in my life.

I never really manage my mind which parts of my stories in this life that should be remembered or forgotten. How great this happens during the life of any person in this world. It can't be denied that Allah, The Creator of all mankind, has blessed human being with such a thing, keeping some the stories of someone's life in his mind and deleting some of them. Indeed I never learn deeply how the memory works in the brain, but I can make an analogy by the memory of computer. Well! My analogy maybe not truly true, because it's not comparable the memory of computer made up by human and the memory human's brain made by Allah. It's just the way how to make me easier think of the memory kept in my brain.

Talking a little bit more about the memory of computer, the memory in computer can only save the data according to its capacity. The data can be managed which one will be deleted and which one will be saved so it's still possible to fulfill the capacity. I can be so easy to delete files I don't wanna to see by throw them away in the Recycle Bin. The same thing when I want to  keep  my files. Then, how about the files as the collection of my stories during my life that is kept in my memory? It's not only me who manage which story of my life I want to remember and which one I just want to forget. It's the authority of Allah who manages how the memory in someone's brain works. Well! Human might be able to take a part given by Allah in influencing things can be remembered or forgotten. As the law of cause-effect that naturally works in this universe as sunatullah or Allah's will.

Understanding about all of this made me going back to the story of my life. It's so wonderful to remember beautiful moments in my life and be grateful to Allah cause I have them in my life. I don't wanna let them go as long as remembering them makes me happy. Let me paint them and live them up in my memory as the reminding for myself that I ever have such beautiful moments. However sometimes the beautiful moments that should be able to make me happy, they make me sad. I wonder with this. What happened with this feeling? Is it because I can’t get them back in my real life or because everything has changed?

I just want to call back a part of my story in this life that in the past it’s a nice episode in such beautiful moment I ever have in my life. However ‘cause everything has changed as some of my thoughts and my feelings changed, the episode that ever cheer me up, now it makes me get pain when I have to remember it. I don’t know exactly what happened with my thought and feeling. I  fight hard in order not to drown in my feeling that makes me lose or go astray from Allah’s path. I can’t let my feeling go by its own way without control of my thought. This is because some of them ruin my life and make me so difficult to move forward reaching my goals in this life and next life.

Now little by little I’m aware that what has happened is just a part of the story. As others, I I might not able to get all the episodes in the story of life as what I hope. Some episodes may make me get sad while the others make me happy. Sometimes it’s just only the matter of my feeling and thought that is beyond control of my iman (faith) to Allah. When I’m dying and my faith slowly or gradually go down, it could be the chance for the devils to influence my thought so that I took the ways that maybe far from Allah's ways. In that condition, the illness in my own soul also can lead me just follow my own desire if I don't try to get my strong faith back and ask the guidance from Allah.

Try to keep thinking positively I convince myself that It’s not the end of everything when some parts of the story in this life didn't go as what  I want. It’s just some episodes in life that have to be passed and it will measure how best I can deal with it. It’s a part of Allah’s ways to see who are the ones who really worship Him sincerely and obey each single His word from those who don’t. The ending of any story in this life is in Allah’s scenario. Allah has His own plan for everything happens upon His slaves, including what happened upon me. Sometimes things work beyond my thought or imagination and I just can’t figure them out. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason. Someday, someway insha’Allah I’ll understand deeply and know truly that Allah always gives the best.

Now, I should no need to worry or even wonder for the things that have been a part of the story in my life or the story that will begin staring by me. Let some episodes that have been played be lesson for me to play better in the next episodes till the story end. I hope I can play my role with the best I can do without any pretending. I don’t wanna to take my past role shat made me be the loser in the Eyes of Allah. The only role I wanna be is to be a believer muslim who understand the Allah’s scenario deeply and play it as what Allah wants. Hopefully I’ll be the winner in the end of the story by reaching what is the best in Allah’s side. Ameen…

~~~ ^_

The story in this life is not like any story in the movie tape ever. It’s not a game, BUT it’s serious! What the actor play in the TV or movie tape won’t be asked responsibility by Allah. As in the game it’s also not really matter who will be the winner or the loser. However, our story in this life is different from any movie or game we ever seen or played. We will be asked responsibility by Allah for any deed we do during our life. The winners are those who can play their role in this world as what Allah orders. If we are muslims we should act as the real muslim like Rasulullah, Muhammad pbuh, and his companions. Rasulullah is the best example ever for believer muslims and his companions are those who take a big part in following Rasulullah and live as him (pbuh). May Allah guide us to always walk in the real way, the Way of Allah. Do what He orders and leave what He forbids. 

Everybody has his own story in this life. Let's make our story be meaningful, SO whenever we want to play them back we always can take what is the wisdom/hikmah behind each single moment we  have in this life to keep us moving forward, be closer and closer to Allah.  It's also reminder for us to do our best in any moment we're involved coz in the hereafter we will watch the whole of our story during our life in this world. In that time nothing can be hidden, we  have to take our responsibility for whatever we do during our life in this world.  May we close the story of our life with happy ending. Khusnul Khatimah. Happy ever after... ameen... Wallahu’alam bishshowab. Allah knows best.

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