Dec 30, 2010

What Is The Meaning of Success For You?

Success is something that each person wants to get it in his life. That is why he  will do efforts optimally to reach his successful. Each person maybe has different meaning about success that he wants to get. For example, a success for a football player maybe is defined by making as many as possible goals in every match. Success for a singer maybe is defined by the large number of his songs that has been sold. Success for a student maybe is defined by a high mark he got in his study. 

From the examples that have been written in the passage above, the meaning of success for someone could be influenced by his position or condition. For a director of a company, maybe he will define his success by his capability in managing his staffs and his company well or how he can reach targets that  the company want to be reach. For a member of an organization maybe he will define his success by reaching the organization's purpose where he joins in . 
How we build definition about the meaning of success is important in this life. This is because it will influence what we will do during our life in order to reach successes we have defined. If we know what is the success we want to reach, we will be getting know strategies that we should do to reach it. Opposite with it, if we don’t know what is the meaning of success that we want to reach, it could be we will walk in this world without purpose and it just will flow naturally. Even we might don’t know whether we have been a success person or not. That is why we should know the meaning of success for us.

How students determine the meaning of success and how it influences what they do during their study can be one of examples that how people define their success will influence what they do to reach their success as what they define. As students, maybe they think that they are success if they get high mark or achievement index, and graduate  in  as short time as possible. Then they will spend more his time to get it. As we can see, if they just define their success by reaching high mark, they might do any way to get it without thinking that it is right way or wrong. For example, he will cheat or just study without do any other obligations that he should do. This is because they just orientate their study on the result not on the process of their study. 

Other students maybe consider that they are success if they get knowledge and understanding from his study. So, during their study they will hard effort to understand what they learn. They will give more concern to the process of their study. Moreover if they define that they get success when they use right ways to reach their success,  so during their study they will do hard effort in right way to make what they want to get come true. 

Now, what is the meaning of success for you? Make sure that you have defined it clearly or know the meaning of success for you. Then think about strategies or efforts that you should do to reach it. Life in this world is so short and we shouldn’t do it in vain. So, Get your success from now!!! 
>>> This writing was also be written when I was in writing class during intensive English Course. Other time insha'Allah I'll write about The Meaning of Success for Muslim according to Islamic thoughts. <<<

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