Dec 6, 2010

The Meaning of Hijrah for Muslims

My Brothers and sisters in Islam,
Let us increase our Taqwa in Allah SWT by following all of His Laws and leaving all that He Forbids. Let us pray that we would receive Allah's Blessings and Redha. Let us also pray that we leave this world of fana in the purest state of Iman and Taqwa.

We are now in the last days of Dzulhijjah. This is the time to prepare for the month of Muharram. A month that begins the Islamic year, which is the calendar of Hijrah. What is the meaning of Hijrah? Hijrah means moving from one place to another and moving from any condition that against Allah's rules to condition that obey Allah's rules in every aspect of life.  In Islam, In the time of Rasulullah SAW, the term Hijrah carries a special meaning. It is the migration of Muslims from the city of Makkah to Madinah. In that time, many hijrahs were performed. It began with the hijrah of the Muslims from Makkah to Habsyah. The Hijrah was their only way of escaping the cruelty of the Quraisy who were kafiruns. Another hijrah was performed from Makkah to Madinah with Rasulullah s.a.w. This hijrah was necessary as the Muslims were oppressed. Their da'wah movements were restricted. They were also treated cruelly in Makkah. Allah states this in Surah Al-Anfal, ayat 74: 
Which means: And those who believed, and emigrated aand strove hard in the Cause of Allah, as well as those who gave shelter and aid - these are the believers in truth, for them is forgiveness and rezki that is blessed." 
Remember this : Muharram 1432 Hijriah. This is a sign that a whole year has past. What did we do in the year 1431 Hijriah? Maybe we had happy or sad memories. Maybe we had rewards or losses, here or in the hereafter. But the most important question that we should ask ourselves, "Were we a better Muslim?" 
Do we realize that as we age, we are closer to death? What are we doing in the passing days? Are we aware that as days turn into months, and as months turn into years, that we are closer to that last second of our lives. That time of death. 

Blessed are those who face death with the many good deeds on earth. For those who forget, and for those who go against Islam, death would bring them torments. For they will be judged. On the Day of Judgement, every Man who has ever lived, from the time of Prophet Adam, will be examined. Allah SWT will reward everything. And He would also punish everything. From the smallest mistakes to the biggest deeds. Allah states in Surah Al-Zilzal, ayat 6 to 8 : 
Which means: That Day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown their deeds. So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom shall see it. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom shall see it. 

We do not know our future. Would it be filled with the Blessings of Allah SWT ? Or would it be filled with the darkness of sin? We do not know. So, what do we know? We know that the future is not the past or the present. We know that changes in the world will not stop. The only thing that would not change is Change itself. 
Therefore, let us make our Hijrah, from the year 1431 to 1432, into a more meaningful one. Raise our spirits and determination. Leave the bad and sinful deeds. Embrace Allah's Laws and all that is good. As Muslims, we must always change for the better. In speech, action, determination and spirits. Let Islam closely guide our thoughts and behavior. For Islam is the perfect religion in any place or time.

Rasulullah SAW used the spirit of Hijrah to tighten the bonds between the Muhajirins from Makkah and the Ansars from Madinah. This brotherhood developed the unity and cooperation amongst the Muslims in Madinah. This brotherhood turned Madinah into one of the leading cities and a center for Islamic growth. The fact that Islam reached  many places today, and to every part of the world is proof that Islam was spread far and wide.

Have we achieved that brotherhood? Therefore, this is the time to begin. Increase our determination to become better Muslims. Strengthen our niat that we will perform all of Allah's Laws and avoid all that He Forbids. 

Each day that passes by will never return. Do not allow the days to be wasted. That day that we waste in sin or bad deeds, means that we wasted one chance to achieve happiness on earth and in the hereafter. Let us take heed of Allah's words in surah Al-Hasyr, ayat 18:
Which means: O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do. 
Let us do hijrah right now. Let us hijrah to become a better Muslim. Hijrah doesn't only mean  to move from one place to another place as in the moment  of Rasulullah SAW(move from Makkah to Madinah), but hijrah from kufr laws and anything that against Allah's rules to Islamic laws and anything that appropriate with Allah's rules in all aspects of this life. 

By a muslim (may Allah bless him) and some editing according to my understanding of the meaning of Hijrah in Islam.

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