Oct 29, 2010

The Meaning of Happiness

Happiness and sadness are things that almost all people in this world ever got. It's sunatullah from Allah that shows "IT'S LIFE!" In fact, things that make people feel happy or sad are almost same. However, it will be different how their manner when they deal with it.

I think all of us want to the whole of our life is filled by happiness, but as I have mentioned above, we will face things that make us sad too. All of these are natural feelings given by Allah as complements of our life. Have we ever thought how this life is when things we face are same all the time... Will we learn how to be a strong man, how to be patient, how to show our best when we meet hard moments, etc...???

Actually, we always can find the happiness behind things that usually make people sad. The matter is just on how we understand what is the meaning of happiness itself! That is why now we should know what is the essence of happiness.

The meaning of happiness according to Islam is different from that according to other Ideology (like Capitalism or Communism-Socialism). According to Capitalism, happiness is measured by gaining material things and experiencing sensual gratification. That is why people who follow this idea, they feel happy when they can get material things they desire or when they can get any satisfaction for their bodies. In order to reach this, people who take capitalism as their ideology will do anything for the sake of material things and gratification, without considering what they do is right or wrong according to the rules  of their Creator. This is because of the secular idea in capitalism which this idea separates life in this world from religious aspect or the authority of God. Hence, people can do whatever they want according to their desire regardless the rules of God.
How Islam's view about happiness is not same from the definition of happiness in Capitalism or any other ideas about happiness that don't come from Islam. In Islam, happiness is measured by gaining Allah's satisfaction. This means that people who take Islam as their religion and Ideology will feel happy when they can do what Allah commands and leave what Allah forbids. In reality people who orientate their intention in doing any deeds just for the sake of Allah maybe will face things that is hard to be faced or things that they don't like. However, because the purpose of their deeds is to get Allah's satisfaction, they are ready to sacrifice what they have or do anything  as long as Allah pleases with it. For believer muslims, they will find the meaning of happiness when they are in the way of Allah, when they can apply rules in Islam and when they are success in doing deeds according to Allah's rules. This is the real happiness for muslims when Allah's ridho (satisfaction) be the purpose of all their deeds. All of this they do because they understand what is the reason of they are created in this world, to worship Allah! "And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me. " (Adz Dzaariyaat 51 : 56)
Overall, believer muslims always can find the happiness in any circumstance they face in this life by following Allah's guidance. When they get favor, they will be grateful to Allah... when they get difficulties, they will be patient... All of these they do to get Allah's ridho by doing what Allah orders and leave what Allah forbids. This is the  secret what make believer muslims keep happy........ :)

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